Craft Music X Alltruists
Craft Music is delighted to partner with Alltruists
Alltruists kits are family friendly at-home projects created with nonprofit partners. Each project includes age-appropriate conversation/reading guides for parents, plus hands-on fun, empathy-building craft activities around issues such as homelessness, clean water, hunger, access to light, and even timely issues like Ukrainian refugees.
Alltruists was founded by a longtime friend of Craft Music (and mother of four, three of whom are Craft Music students!) Jessica Jackley, best known as founder of Kiva. She’s passionate about making volunteering possible for everyone, everywhere, at any age — so we can nurture the next generation of kind, caring humans who feel empowered to take action.
Get $5 off with Code CraftMusicFamily
*Craft Music recommends this beautiful product that offers another way for children to engage with the wider world. In tandem with their gift of music, they'll be little Alltruists in no time 😊.
Check out any of the available projects with your little ones. In this time in the world where parents are evermore interested in how to have tough conversations with kids and engage them in helping - this brand offers a great solution.